中置記法〜にも書いてあるけど、中置の +, -, *, / を実装。前置の - は実装してない。
オペランドは整数のみ。割り算になると Float に変換。
(1+2)*5/4 3.75 1+2*5/4 3.5
メソッド ifn2pfn は、中置記法〜と同じ。
# Calculator # infix notation to postfix notation # refer to http://www.gg.e-mansion.com/~kkatoh/program/novel2/novel208.html def ifn2pfn ifn i = 0 stack = [] pfn = "" while i < ifn.size c = ifn[i].chr if c == " " i += 1 elsif c =~ /[0-9]/ c << ifn[i] while ifn[i+=1] =~ /[0-9]/ pfn << c + " " elsif c == ")" until (s = stack.pop) == "(" pfn << s + " " end i += 1 elsif c == "(" stack.push c i += 1 else if stack.empty? stack.push c else if c =~ /[-\+]/ until stack.empty? s = stack.pop if s =~ /[\*\/]/ pfn << s + " " else stack.push s break end end end stack.push c end i += 1 end end until stack.empty? pfn << stack.pop + " " end pfn.chop end def calc_rpn rpn stack = [] o = rpn.split " " o.each do |e| case e when "+" stack.push(stack.pop + stack.pop) when "-" stack.push(stack.pop - stack.pop) when "*" stack.push(stack.pop * stack.pop) when "/" a = stack.pop.to_f b = stack.pop.to_f stack.push(b / a) else stack.push(Integer(e)) end end stack[0] end puts(calc_rpn(ifn2pfn(readline.chomp))) while true